The barcode code is known as EAN “European Article Number”, it is used in many products to find out their origin, content, country of origin, etc… In short, the code is used to store information and that can be read at high speed from a laser reader.
Thanks to an algorithm, we can get the check digit, which consists of the first 7 digits to the company, the next 5 to the internal reference of the product and the last one is calculated with different methods.
The steps to follow are:
Add the first 12 digits of the EAN in column A.
It automatically calculates the check digit and displays it in column C.
This application does not need any type of installation or plug-in by the user. Just open the file and calculate as many EAN13 as you need.
It’s that simple and in record time you can do it with all your products or those of your customers.
Calculate EAN13€2,20